コジマ審判理事への質問メールSINCE 2001/02/12 |
(まえおき)自分の書いた以下の文章を、ジム・コジマ理事に送付しました。 英文には慣れていないというか、下手なのですが、とりあえず「理由を知りたい」というものと、 以前から気になっていた「篠原選手の誤審を認め、双方無効になったならば、 公式記録からドゥイエ選手の有効を消して、記録に残るスコアは対等にすべき」との意見を書きました。文章が間違っていた場合はとりあえず指摘してくだされば、後日の勉強になりますので、メールなりでお知らせください。 英文が下手だった為か、コジマ理事からの解答は微妙にずれています。ただ、ジム・コジマ理事が読んでくれていることはわかりました。もしかすると送る相手が間違っていたのかもしれませんが…… 理事からの返事 送信日時:2001年2月12日 12:19 送信先 :jkojima@compuserve.com CC(カーボンコピー):同じ内容を写しで送った相手 nakamura@taiiku.tsukuba.ac.jp; fbesson@wanadoo.fr; ijfgt@qualitynet.net; dhouib@GNet.tn; jcasanova@pju.org; blase@ite.net; eju_presidential.office@matavnet.hu; ntl@kodokan.org; yspark@ijf.org; letters@nytimes.com; simon.waldman@guardian.co.uk; webmaster@yomiuri.co.jp 件名:There are Referees who were not IJF referees in Sydney Olympic Record (本文)To International Judo Federation Refereeing Director Dear Mr.Kojima I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. In IJF page,we can read many record about the competitions of the Sydney Olympic . http://www.ijf.org/events/Olympic/og00-14.html I want to know the reason why this Olympic brought so many misjudgment. In 1999 ,World Championship(WC) at Birmingham , I did not feel the Referee's misjudgment and I could concentrate to see the competitions in TV. The Olympic Referees are selected in the 1999 WC. So they had high grade Technique. But there were many misjudgment in Sydney at fact. I have been inspecting about the Selection of Referees and the Referees career . Then ,I found the Referees who did not exist in the candidates from 1995 to 1999,however they participated in the Olympic at the Sydney. I used this Search page , but there were no name about them. http://www.ijf.org/commission/re-rl.html The Olympic game is the highest competition. But the record that IJF provided us was too suspicious to believe. I wrote this Question in my Homepage. http://www.mine.ne.jp/est.2876/judo_j/ijf/who_are_they.html This page was written only by Japanese. But you can read the Sheet that I made. 1995-2000 IJF Referees Roistered for Olympic ,and Olympic Referees http://www.mine.ne.jp/est.2876/judo_j/res/ref1995_2000.html I red all the record that you provided this page. http://www.ijf.org/events/Olympic/og00-14.html The Referees Name who did not Exist: KOUAKOU Koffi Lucien (CIV) ANGBO Isaac (CIV) I dare say that they were not IJF Referees. Why your site's official record wrote their name ? I want to know the reason . Is it Mistake ? Or concealment of any problems ? They refereed so many games. But they did not exist . Why ? I have more Questions. The +100 kg final contest of the Sydney Olympics Judo Competition , I am concerned with the member of the Referees. Official site's record 23 September 2000 Referee MONAGHAN Craig NZL Judge KOUAKOU Koffi Lucien CIV ATTYE Fares SEN But after day , we knew the name was modified Referee MONAGHAN Craig NZL Judge MATTAR Emanoel BRA(this font is different from other) ATTYE Fares SEN Why on earth your site wrote the name did not exist ? "KOUAKOU Koffi Lucien CIV" was not IJF Referee . I made The List of Referees participated at 2000 Olympic Game Men 60kg http://www.mine.ne.jp/est.2876/judo_j/res/2000/men60.html 66kg http://www.mine.ne.jp/est.2876/judo_j/res/2000/men66.html 73kg http://www.mine.ne.jp/est.2876/judo_j/res/2000/men73.html 81kg http://www.mine.ne.jp/est.2876/judo_j/res/2000/men81.html Women 48kg http://www.mine.ne.jp/est.2876/judo_j/res/2000/men48.html 52kg http://www.mine.ne.jp/est.2876/judo_j/res/2000/men52.html Next Question is the fact that there was no name " MATTAR Emanoel" except at the Final +100kg . Why ? I red the Article at the Magazine "KINDAI JUDO" that IJF Executive Committee committed the evaluation of Referees . But this agreement covered not 24 but 23 Referees. We knew 24 is the members for the Olympic. Do you know the Olympic members ? http://www.mine.ne.jp/est.2876/judo_j/res/ref1995_2000.html IJF site's records said there are 24 referees participated ! If All name "KOUAKOU Koffi Lucien" is " MATTAR Emanoel" , Members number is right answer ,23. But ,however ,"ANGBO Isaac CIV" was remained. Who is ANGBO Isaac ? Next , I mention why Reserve Referees did not ready ? Please answer these Questions. Final , I think that you IJF should modified the record of 100 kg final contest of the Sydney Olympics Judo Competition. You said , "Consequently, the IJF Referee Commission has come to the conclusion that neither contestant should be awarded a score since neither contestant had complete "control" and a "throw" was not executed." But the record remained Mr.Douillet's Yu-ko. Why ? You should keep your word . "neither contestant should be awarded a score" This conclusion means that the game is "Draw" and Mr.Douillet's Yu-ko is no score. We can see the competition at TV , so our eyes can see more clearer the action on the Tatami than referees . However referees and jury overlook foul and misjudgment , JUDO audience would find them. Now,Audience is refereeing referees and IJF. Masaki Yabesato , in Japan 12 February 2001 est.2876@mine.ne.jp Sholudの後にmodifiedと過去形が……これ以上見るとぼろぼろミスが出てきてしまいそうなので、これでこの件に関しての記述は終わります。 |